150K? I would go broke having to buy a New truck every two years.... What a waste.
And that's fine. It's
my money I'm "wasting", not yours.
Again the ole ford/international diesel vs dodge/cummins vs chevy/duramax will there be a winner i don't think so every one likes certain things about their brand and the argument will continue.The fords had a good engine in the 7.3, dodges auto transmissions have had their problems and chevrolet/gmc came up with the duramax and secured the allison auto [dodge now has them in the 4500/5500].Each truck has it's nich and followers so be loyal to your brand just don't badmouth others choices.
Completely agree.
I actually own an 05 3500 Dodge with a Cummins. It's one of my business' partner's company trucks... so I guess I
co-own it... Turbo went out at 120??? ish thousand miles. We bought a new turbo from Cummins to the tune of a little over a grand, put it on and then the engine exploded shortly thereafter. Literally lifted the head off the block by a couple of inches over 5 and 6 cylinders. So, 8,000 dollars later (used engine plus install labor), he was back on the road.
I don't care who it's made by, International, Cummins, Isuzu... they're all made my man. And man is not perfect. If you like your Cummins, that's fine. It's a fine motor. But our 05 is literally falling apart around the engine, with only 150ish K miles on it.
I had 160K miles on an 03 6.0 Liter. I sold last year and the new owner tacked another 15K miles on it. Aside from 2 injectors and the HPOP, it never gave me an trouble.
My 6.4 is making decent power with a mild tune, my UOA's always come back great and the truck starts every morning. I can't ask for anything more.