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My doggy, or choose your vet wisely


Fluid Technician
Mar 20, 2015
Reaction score
Winnebago, Mn
My dog gave me a scare last week, she hadn't eaten for 3 days so I brought her to the vet in town I go to. They said it might be colitis, but I told them she would eat snacks. Gave me some canned food to entice her to eat. She ate 2/3 her bowl the next day. Next day about 1/3. Vet gave me 3 more cans and some pills. Didn't eat for the next couple days, and wanted nothing to do with us. She's a 9 year old Rottweiler and I thought it might be the end. Laura's son suggested a vet the next town over, so I called Friday morning and got her in at 3pm. She showed a spark when we asked if she wanted to see a granddaughter, she got up and came out of her kennel looking for the kid wagging her tail. I took her to the other vet and it took them all of 5 minutes in the exam room to tell me she had a uterine infection! Had her in surgery at 5pm and brought her home Saturday morning. Still hasn't eaten her own food, some snacks, but she's doing fine. She lost at least 10 lbs under the other vets "care". Laura said to go to vet number 1 and make a scene but I don't think I'll even go back there. I'll be bringing my dog to vet number 2 from now on.

It's funny what we will do for our 4 legged children we have two that are spoiled rotten a black lab Chesapeake bay retriever mix and a lab golden retriever mix and there isn't anything we wouldn't do for them
It's funny what we will do for our 4 legged children we have two that are spoiled rotten a black lab Chesapeake bay retriever mix and a lab golden retriever mix and there isn't anything we wouldn't do for them
We got her at 2 1/2 years old, trained and with kennel and toys. Her previous owner dropped her off and she's been my girl ever since. I play with her on the floor and run her belly when she rolls on her back for me. She lays outside my door when I sleep during the day, is great with the kids (she loves children) and I couldn't have asked for a better dog.
On a sad note, Tasha died this morning in her sleep. We found her at 3:45 in her kennel. Laura said she was still hanging in there just after 11:00 when she went to bed. She wasn't feeling the best and was going to see the vet today. She was 9 & 1/2 years old and the best dog I ever owned. I'm glad she didn't suffer long and went in her sleep. I plan on cremation so I can always keep her close. She has some big paws to fill...
Thanks oldfolksmopar. Just got her ashes back the other day, cried most of the way to the vet, and back. I think we will get another dog after some healing time has passed. I will be getting a tattoo of Tasha down the road.
On a sad note, Tasha died this morning in her sleep. We found her at 3:45 in her kennel. Laura said she was still hanging in there just after 11:00 when she went to bed. She wasn't feeling the best and was going to see the vet today. She was 9 & 1/2 years old and the best dog I ever owned. I'm glad she didn't suffer long and went in her sleep. I plan on cremation so I can always keep her close. She has some big paws to fill...

Sad loss I know, I wish ya the best man and getting another will help ease that pain man!