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Anyone still use a CB in their rig?


Not old school. Just old.
Aug 21, 2015
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
It's kind of old school, and some people will say it's worthless, but I just got a Uniden Bearcat 980 SSB for my RV. I've been thinking about getting something similar for my '74 Dodge.

Is there anybody else still running CBs in their trucks? I remember when they were all the rage, but we're a long way from 1977.
Indeed, I do, I got the interesting Midland 75-822 that converts to a handheld (quick disconnect, stick on a battery pack and an antenna and off you go), and have two, so I communicate in close proximity and stay behind the wheel. I know all the serious off-roaders are ham freaks, but I already had this set up and am sticking with it. You can kinda see the antenna in the center of the roof...the two pics of the radio are just generic google pics. Neat unit...

Last few times I turned mine on, no one else replied. I gave it away not too long ago.
I had one in a Celica when I got my licence back in 93. My very first add on! I had it in my full size Jimmy after that, then it just sat around. I did however pick up an NOS AM/CB radio to put in my 72 Crew Cab. Only missing the knobs. It's got the black face. I got an AM/FM/CB radio that's more used but it's silver faced, so that might go into my buddy's Lil Red if he ever gets around to working on it. Cell phones definitely put the final knife in the CB's back, IMO.
Seems like I remember CB's dying off before the cell phone took a hold....
I'm sure they were. I used to see drivers holding their mikes while tooling down the road. Then you started seeing them with a phone to their ear. When I got my license, the food distribution company still used CB's to handle all the traffic coming in to the docks.
They still sell them at truck stops across the country, so somebody's got to be using them, right?
Got one in the 1 ton. CB and weather radio it sits on the weather band 90℅ of the time. Local US weather service 24/7.
I use the weather band and since I have two and give one to a walker or another vehicle with me, no problem on getting answered. Primary reason for getting it wasn't to talk to good ole boys I don't know. I guess there is a little hint of it possibly being of use in an emergency but when TSHTF, I kinda wonder about cellular reliability vs CB...just a thought.
I use the weather band and since I have two and give one to a walker or another vehicle with me, no problem on getting answered. Primary reason for getting it wasn't to talk to good ole boys I don't know. I guess there is a little hint of it possibly being of use in an emergency but when TSHTF, I kinda wonder about cellular reliability vs CB...just a thought.
You got a point there with the TSHTF.....
They still sell them at truck stops across the country, so somebody's got to be using them, right?

Someone must. I was mainly thinking of having one in the RV for the weather band, and to maybe get the occasional traffic updates.
I think Mr. Bell knew he was at the entry point of a very large cave that needed to be explored. Seems to be the CB craze ended up at the back end of that cave lol
What I have in a 74 Dart

Somehow it works well, It is in my hotrod and just looks great in it. A few weeks ago I actually used it on I81 when I wanted to open the car up, the truckers still use them since you cannot beat a laser!
The movie Smokey and the bandit did a big boost to them in the day. If you are at a truck stop just ask a trucker he will love to show it off like a status symbol with them.
I got EVERYTHING to hook mine up in the truck but maybe a mic....The truck has the antenna already on it from its G.I. days but the radio they used was removed wy before I got it, I just need to check the wiring and get my Cobra in the thing......

My old C.B. handle is "Diesel Smoke"...... As I once used to drive CDL......