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Who knows what about manual nv 4500 transmission

So I got a crank no start aton of codes I been all over this truck new time wheel new crank shaft sensor new Ibs I mean u name it I been over it . 400 bar to the fuel rails I'm stuck 🤔 anyideas

But I'm putting one in an 83 truck because I don't want anything newer/even if I could afford it. I'm doing this truck literally from the frame up.still gonna be carbureted, still gonna have AC, might or might not get power windows, same with power locks and actual carpet vs a rubber mat.
No hidden black box, no cats, no EFI, no leather or touch screen. I want something that I can put together with SAE tools not metric, don't need a scanner or anything programmed, but with things no longer available.
Carburetor, wing windows, cowl vents, dimmer on floor, wiper switch on dash, and a better ride than anything new could dream of. I hate the ride my 12 has with its 4 wheel coil springs and I'm damn tired of being constantly reminded about a freaking seat belt. I KNOW it's unbuckled. No shyt.
And people talk about lowered trucks all the time, look how high the beds are on these newer trucks without a lift, the older ones sat plenty low as they were built "stock". I have an easier time loading and unloading the bed in my 85 vs my 12. Both sit at stock height.
Think I found one or at least my kid has for me.
Have a Bell housing and flywheel for it sitting at a friend's house in Ohio. Found that on FB, lucky it was in a town I recognized that a buddy lives in. Hard to find (at least around here) a gas engine BH for that trans behind a gas dodge engine.
Trans has the right bolt pattern for a Dodge BH, and comes with some extras my son says we can probably trade off.... Chevy BH, maybe a Cummins one too... I haven't seen it yet but my son has.... He's been thru the NV4500 swap in his ramcharger.... Same engine I'm going with (only his has been stroked larger)
I'm putting a 518 in the 82. Will be putting some heavy duty goodies in with the rebuild.
I still have one vehicle with a manual trans. Fun to drive, but its not a daily driver. Have another with a manual valve body if I want to shift gears. But the converter stall doesn't like rush hour traffic.
Don't drive the 82 much, being 1 ton with 5:88 gears. It's simply not built for today speed limits. Got to try to correct that.
Wow 5.88s. yikes
I recently rebuilt a 46 re, which is the newer version of the 518 for my Durango. I added some HD goodies there too like solid band, billet band strut, swapped out the 2.5 lever for front band to a 3.8, superior front and rear servos, sonnax billet accumulator, a couple of Transgo goodies in the valve body ( I had previously put one of their kits in this VB) and all new solenoids. Plus a fresh converter. (Stock). Have it put back in but haven't put fluid in yet. Still gotta put a new oil filter on the motor, put the crank sensor back in, dipstick tube, things like that maybe tonight.
I have. An A500 to rebuild next. That's probably going in my other truck a /6 powered d150. If I don't put an 833 OD on instead. I have both. Has a 727 now. And I have the '60s era adapter plate to put a v8 trans behind a /6. They didn't build a /6 specific 727 til late 60s.
My 150 is an 85, has a fresh '74 forged crank motor, and a few extra goodies like oversized valves, an Oregon reground cam, super 6 setup and lots of milling on head and deck surface of the block.
But this 250 is gonna be my camper puller, so I definitely want a stick in there.
Billet servos and accumulator, HD bands, bullet front band strut, went from 2.5 to 3.8 on the front band actuator (I never knew they even had a 2.5) plus a few improvements in the valve body.
Oops repeat of what I posted above
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