First thing I would do is clean the undercarriage to see what you're
faced with as far as any frame
damage, dried out or damaged
rubber parts, bent or broken
suspension parts. Secondly,
check to see if you can turn
the engine over (by hand if you
have to). If it won't rotate, you could
be looking at a rebuild. Third, this
is obviously a 'back yard' lift. The
u-joint angle at the rear diff is
going to be eating them on a regular
basis. The spring pads will have
to be cut off, and new ones welded
on after the diff is rotated. Fourth,
it looks as though the shocks are
limiting jounce and not allowing
the rear tires full travel. Those rear
brake hoses already look 'tight',
and the driveshaft looks like it
wasn't modified to compensate
for the added lift.
And finally, I would ask the owner
why it's been parked. It could have
transmission/transfercase issues.
Anything you find in this condition
can be set up to run and drive but
will depend on your budget and
the time involved.
I'm working on a project that I have
26 years in, and it still isn't done.
Life slows your hobbies down.
Be prepared to spend some time
on this if you decide to jump on